
Acapsia Pharma Production GmbH

Gewerbering 4
A-3484 Grafenwörth

Tel. +43 (0)2738 21078-0
E-Mail: [email protected]

Objectives of the company:

  • Creation of medicines and toxins
  • Wholesale of medicines and toxins
  • Production and trade of medical products
  • Production and trade of nutritional supplements
  • Production and trade of cosmetics
  • Trade

Membership: Regional committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria, Trade Division

Responsible webmaster and editor for the execution,

planning and supervision of the internet content according to TMG (German Telemedia Act) is:
Acapsia Pharma Production GmbH
Gewerbering 4
A-3484 Grafenwörth

Legal form: Limited liability company
UID No. (VAT identification number): ATU77454817
Company register: FN 567607 t
Commercial register court: District court Tulln
Commercial register number: FN 350817h
EORI: ATEOS1000123921
ARA or ERA contract number: 23208
Bank details: Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG IBAN: AT42 5800 0106 8957 7011  BIC: HYPVAT2B

Image credits: Photos homepage & services: Adobe Stockfotos,,, other photos: Karina Schneider, die Schneider e.U.
Webdesign: die Schneider e.U.

Disclaimer / § 5ECG:

The operator of these web pages strives to present the information offered here completely and correctly to the best of their knowledge and belief and to keep it up to date. Nevertheless, the operator cannot assume any liability for damages that may result from the use of the information offered, even if these are due to the use of incomplete or incorrect information. This also applies to the contents of various files that are available for download.

Links to external websites are outside the responsibility of the operator. Liability for the content of linked pages is excluded, especially since the operator has no influence on the content or design of linked pages. The provider of these external websites is therefore solely liable for the content of pages to which reference is made from the pages of this website, but never the one referring to external publications and content by means of a link. Should linked pages contain illegal, incorrect, incomplete, offensive or immoral information (in particular due to changes in the content after the link was set) and if the operator of this website is made aware of such content on linked pages, they will immediately prevent a link to such pages. In the event of problems relating to competition law, domain law, copyright law, trademark law or similar problems, we ask you to contact us in advance to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. The cost of any legal warning without prior contact is rejected in terms of the duty to mitigate damages as unfounded!


Any use of any content of these web pages contrary to the terms of copyright law, particularly any further use such as publication, reproduction, and any form of commercial use, as well as disclosure to third parties, even in part or in revised form, without the express consent of the operator, is prohibited.

Protection of our data:

The use of contact data published within the framework of the imprint obligation by third parties, for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising and information materials, is hereby expressly prohibited. The operators of the website expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information.

Legal effect:

By using these web pages, the user is subject to the present terms of use.


Gewerbering 4
A - 3484 Grafenwörth


MO-DO: 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
FR: 8.00 AM - 3.00 PM

Contact us!


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